Feeding your new baby

Mom sitting with baby

What’s the best way of feeding your new baby?

My answer may surprise you…

I am not a “breast is best person”, I am also not a “fed is best person.

I am a “supported is best” person.

Regardless of how you choose to feed you brand new baby, every new mom should feel supported and empowered in the decisions she is making for her family.

In my practice, most of the pregnant women I take care of want to and plan to breastfeed. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there.

And often times, there is just no information out there about important aspects of breastfeeding, or feeding your baby in general.

Based on my experience and conversations with pregnant and newly postpartum moms, I have come up with the top 3 things I think every new mom should know about breastfeeding.

In the beginning, it usually feels like baby is not getting enough milk.

A new born baby’s stomach is the size of a nickel. Baby does not need a ton of milk in the beginning.

With that being said, breastfeeding is supply and demand.

The more baby latches on, the more it will signal your body to make milk.

I know it will be exhausting but latching that baby on every 2 hours for the first few days/weeks can dramatically help your supply, not just in the beginning but actually has an effect on your milk supply for the duration of your breastfeeding journey.

When you milk comes in, and you are engorged, don’t reach for the pump!

Somewhere between day 2-6 after baby is born your milk will come in. You will wake up feeling like there are gigantic, heavy boulders attached to your chest. This can be extremely uncomfortable.

I recommend people to not use the breast pump for relief.

This is because if you’re are pumping, you are signaling the body to make more milk. It may give you relief for an hour or so, but in the end it will actually cause more discomfort if you end up with an over supply.

Instead, have baby nurse as much as baby wants to relive the pressure. If you still need to do something to be more comfortable, you can get in a hot shower and hand express the milk out.

Find a lactation consultant before baby comes!

Most lactation consultants would love to meet you and chat a little bit before you give birth. This also gives you direct access to support, and with someone you are already comfortable with.

The last thing you want is to be sore, in pain, worrying about baby’s weight and not know who to call. I always give my practice members names of lactation consultants to meet with during their third trimester.

If you are breastfeeding or planning on breastfeeding, having support can be a game changer!

And regardless of how you choose to feed your baby, make sure you have people in your tribe that will support you and empower you in this beautiful new chapter of motherhood.

If you have more questions regarding breastfeeding, feel free to reach out and I’ll do my best to answer them.