Exhaustion affects many moms in America.
And if nothing is done about it, it will continue to cause havoc until something gives…usually mom’s health.
While it’s a common thought process to deduct that since you’ve always been exhausted, it must be genetic. After all, if your mom had it…that confirms it, right?
Genetics are not the main controller we’ve been led to believe. In fact, they’re more like a blueprint.
They give us a basic outline that we can follow, but each outline has another variation. These variations will occur depending on the environment we surround ourselves with.
This new science, called Epigenetics, has been around for about 10-years. But still hasn’t hit mainstream.
When it comes to exhaustion, or low-energy, genetics have a small role, but the decisions you make every day weigh much heavier on the overall outcome.
Exhaustion can be caused by a number of factors:
Until these underlying causes are addressed, there won’t be an opportunity to experience better energy and less exhaustion.
To make matters worse, moms have the tendency to put their kids first, and rightfully so. However, they usually do this while sacrificing their basic needs.
Over time this leads to fatigue, burn-out, and exhaustion.
Many women try to ignore the symptoms and push through. This leads to a very slippery slope.
Exhaustion is a sign that mom is missing some key requirements she needs in her body on a daily basis. If she goes long enough without these, she will begin to notice serious health issues, of which exhaustion is just the beginning.
So what can be done?
Begin getting the health requirements you need each day in order to live a healthy life: good nutrition, quality sleep, proper movement, healthy mindset, and a high-functioning nervous system.
Ensuring your body gets these on a regular basis is the best way to restore health in the body.